Helping Australia reach net zero emissions by 2050
Jurisdiction: Australia
Australia has a goal to reach net zero emissions by 2050. How can Australians use public spaces, including city landscapes to achieve these goals?
Australia’s target to address climate change includes a commitment to net zero emissions by 2050. In a nutshell, net zero means achieving a balance between cutting greenhouse gas emissions produced and removing greenhouse gas emissions from the atmosphere, such as by forests. Solutions include investing in clean energy, protecting our natural environments, reimagining our built environments, transforming our industrial processes and reforming our transport systems.
The Clean Energy Regulator is a government regulator whose purpose is to accelerate carbon abatement for Australia. We support business and individuals to avoid the release of greenhouse gas emissions or store carbon through numerous programs and initiatives as well as disclosure of greenhouse emissions and carbon market information including through:
• The Emissions Reduction Fund (ERF) provides incentives for organisations and individuals to adopt new practices and technologies to reduce their emissions and store carbon.
• The Renewable Energy Target (RET) scheme reduces emissions by encouraging more electricity generation from renewable sources.
• The National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting (NGER) scheme is a single national framework for eligible businesses to report greenhouse gas emissions, energy production and energy consumption.
• The Safeguard Mechanism requires Australia’s largest greenhouse gas emitters to keep their net emissions below a limit that will be reduced over time.
• The Quarterly Carbon Market Report and the Corporate Emissions Reduction Transparency Report.
Over 86% of Australians live in urban areas. Taking practical action to reduce the emissions profile of where we live is important to many of us. How could we use public spaces, including city landscapes to contribute to Australia’s net zero emissions target?
Additional Information:
GovHack Digital Conference Video: Using Data to Reach Net Zero with the Clean Energy Regulator - Video
Image credit: Image licenced for use by Clean Energy Regulator.
Eligibility: This question is open to all participants, excluding those currently working at CER, AER, DISR or ACCC.
Entry: Challenge entry is available to all teams in Australia.
Dataset Highlight
Region Boundaries Mapping Files - Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry
National Greenhouse Gas Inventory Quarterly Update: December 2021 - Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water
Quarterly Carbon Market Report – March Quarter 2022 - Clean Energy Regulator
CERT 2022 data workbook - Clean Energy Regulator
Large-Scale Renewable Energy Scheme - Clean Energy Regulator
Small-Scale Renewable Energy Scheme Postcode Data - Clean Energy Regulator
ERF Project Map - Clean Energy Regulator
Emissions Reduction Fund Project Register - Clean Energy Regulator
National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting Scheme Data - Clean Energy Regulator