Engaging communities in hazard reporting & safety

Jurisdiction: New South Wales

How might we better prepare & deal with natural disasters in Australia?

The annual rate of Cyclone, Bushfire, Flood and Storm events across Australia have increased by 100% - 300% since 2001. We know that in order to better prepare and deal with natural disasters we need to provide communities with clear warnings of natural hazards, improve consistency of information across jurisdictions and create reliable authoritative solutions that people can rely on. We also know that in times of crisis, people in disaster zones are often quicker to respond to community needs, may lose traditional channels of communication and rely on local resources in the area.

We want to explore how might we make communities in close proximity to hazard-prone areas better equipped. This could include new creative ways to warn people about hazards, keep them informed or facilitate crowd-source data during and after a natural disaster.

How might we make communities in close proximity to hazard-prone areas better equipped to:
• Take action during a natural disaster
• Communicate with each other & their loved ones; or
• Get to know about community or public resources available to them

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Entry: Challenge entry is available to all teams in Australia.

Dataset Highlight

NSW Bush Fire Prone Land

Go to Dataset

NPWS Fire History - Wildfires and Prescribed Burns

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NSW Burnt Area - Combined bush fire incident extents

Go to Dataset

Challenge Entries

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