Agricultural land audit - Queensland series

Region: Queensland

Description: The Agricultural Land Audit (DAFF Qld 2013) identifies land currently used for agriculture and land with the potential to be used for agriculture. Datasets were produced for 12 regions based on the regional planning boundaries. This metadata file relates to the Statewide datasets produced by the Agricultural Land Audit to complement the more detailed regional data. These show the locations of agricultural processing facilities namely: abattoirs, sawmills, sugar mills and cotton gins. Areas identified by the Agricultural Land Audit as Important Agricultural Areas (IAAs) across the State are also shown. Statewide datasets showing potential for broadacre cropping, annual horticulture, perennial horticulture, sugar cane and sown pastures were added to this series in November 2013. This dataset can be viewed in the web map WALI


Team Projects Utilising Agricultural land audit - Queensland series

Check back here at the start of the competition to see which team projects are utilising this data set.